If you happen to stumble upon this blog thinking that it will be a blog like any other and that it will be filled with everyday lame doings and events then think twice.. Its not as pleasant as wat u perceive...
If you have difficulty in breathing or any heart or breathing disorders then my advice to you is to close this page right away and just walk away.... NO TURNING BACK
What you are about to read in this blog and the postings to come will shock you and will perhaps leave you coming back craving for more... I can say it may be a good thing... or it may be bad.... No guarantees...
Stop now while u still can...
But one thing's for sure, this blog will never be like any other for it will be filled with heaps and heaps of randomness and jokes that will blow your mind like never before....
For now i shall welcome you to the secret random world of the one and only PARKERBAIN'S.
Cyclops a.k.a Aaron- ability to stare ppl down and turn their face to stone
ShadowCat a.k.a Brenda - ability to cast a shadow over people and change their lives
Toad Man a.k.a Choong Khin - ability to produce a long tongue and is disturbingly agile
Donghee a.k.a Ghee June - ability is to say the wrong things at the wrong time all the time; seriously.... Its like that one.....
Beast a.k.a Hari - ability to spread gossip faster then lightning itself
Jean Grey a.k.a Melissa - ability to make people blur and erase their memories
Wolverine a.k.a Praevin - ability to attract all genders just by the batting of his eye lashes
Archangel a.k.a William - ability to produce a nice smile but unfortunately no wings
So there you have it, the ParkerBain's, all prepped, trained and well equip to turn a frown into a smile.....
So run while u CAN.... but stay if u DARE.....
You can RUN but you cant HIDE......